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Get organized FAST with alarms and timers!

I’m usually a hard-core pen and paper planner, but there’s a certain relief to setting a timer. The set it and forget it mentality. I know that I will be reminded when it’s time, so I can let my mind relax.

Our devices and appliances come with these features for our convenience. It takes only a few moments to customize an alarm, and you won’t have to think about it again. Using your reminders, timers, and alarms will save you time, frustration, and money!

1. Set an Alarm So You Don’t Miss Standing Appointments

Do you have a hard time with standing appointments? It’s funny. If I make a doctor’s appointment once a year I can remember the time and date, but when it comes to a repeating appointment – my kids’ gymnastics class, weekly library classes, even faculty meetings at school… It’s Wednesday already?!? For some reason I’m always scrambling at the last minute.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind you of standing appointments. If your kid’s game is at 11am every Saturday for three months, put that in your digital calendar. Don’t set your reminder for 11am, though! Figure out how long it takes to get everyone ready and get there; set your alarm for 30 minutes, an hour, or more in advance. You’ll be on time to your games and classes, stay on good terms with your boss, and never have to pay a missed appointment fee again.

2. Set Repeating Reminders for Special Dates

One year my husband and I both forgot our anniversary. It was just a few weeks after my daughter was born. My son was 2 at the time, I was still recovering, and my husband was headed back to work. I got a text from my mom. Are you guys doing anything special for your anniversary? I had to laugh.

Set a reminder on your digital calendar for birthdays, anniversaries, and gift-giving holidays. In fact, set 2. The first reminder should be a week in advance. This will give you time to buy a gift, send a card, or order flowers. The second reminder will remind you to call or text or just say, “Happy anniversary,” on the right day.

This works for deadlines and important meetings, too! If you have to prepare beforehand, set a reminder alarm in advance.

3. Use Timers to Automatically Turn Household Devices on & Off

We never used timers growing up, so maybe that’s why it never crossed my mind to turn them on before. Wow, what a big difference in my home. It is so nice when I wake up and the Keurig is warmed up and waiting for me. I don’t have to get up and adjust the A/C when I realize it’s too hot to sleep. The lights turning on signal that darkness is coming, bedtime is nearing. I can blame it on the device when my kids’ tablets say, “All done for the day.”

Take a look around your house to find devices with timers and alarms. If you find yourself turning something on or off at the same time everyday, look into purchasing a timer. Setting your timers can save you money on your electric bill long-term and are just plain convenient. If you’re not into manually setting timers, try a Smart Plug. Sync up to control everything from your phone.

4. Turn on your Anti-Alarm 

I call the Do Not Disturb feature the “anti-alarm” because it’s the timer that turns off all my other alarming notifications. Rather than put your phone or tablet in airplane mode or manually turn off and on your ringer six times a day, set your DND timer for certain hours. Your notifications and ringer will be turned off. You won’t be interrupted by a Facebook tag or telemarketer, and you will still have full functionality of your device.

Set your anti-alarm for a time that works for you. Need to work uninterrupted? Schedule it to come on during work hours. Want to spend more uninterrupted time with your family? Set it for the hours around dinnertime. If you use your devices for work, set your DND for weekends or days off. If you have to check in, do it on your own terms.

For more on how to clear your virtual clutter, see this post.

5. Organize your Family

I’m a pen and paper gal, but my husband is all digital. Shared online calendars have been fantastic to bridge the gap. I keep our shared standing appointments in there along with a few weekly tasks that always need to get done. No more jumping up to catch the garbage truck on Thursday morning. Now we both get a weekly reminder the night before. One less thing to remember!

Our kids are young now, but they still have a few things going on. Keeping notes on a family calendar keeps us on the same page. This will be handy as the kids get older and have their own calendars to track. With our ever-changing schedules, it’s nice to have one virtual calendar where everything is in one place.

Related Post>>> FREE 2018 Family Organization Calendar! Get Organized NOW!

What song do you have on your phone alarm? Leave a comment below.

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